April Bullet Journal Plan With Me + April Goals

Hello all, I hope that you’ve had a pleasant couple of days and that you have remained healthy and happy <3.

It’s almost April and I’m a bit too happy about it haha. To end my blog posts for the month of March, I figured I’d try out doing a bullet journal ‘Plan With Me’. I’ve seen these online quite a bit recently, and so I figured I’d give it a try.

I’ve been bullet journaling for almost a year now :0. I began last year, in late April, and I haven’t stopped since.

I feel like this month’s spread is a lot more low-key then usual. Huh.

Hopefully this month I’ll finally finish the Lunar Chronicles haha.

So!! Let’s get onto the photos. These photos are mine, you may use them, but please give credit to me if you do. You’ll see my hand in the photos, that’s because my bullet journal doesn’t lay flat, and I had to hold the pages down. Also! Last but not least, I made some mistakes and my cursive might be hard to read, you’ve been warned :P.

Welcome April Page

April Goals

April Weekly Planning

Habit Tracker

Camp NaNoWriMo Prizes

Claude Monet Quote

Reading Log

Now on to my goals!! I am obsessed with setting goals (although I almost never achieve them oops-). I’m really excited to share these with you all, because I suspect that I might just achieve them this month.

✨ Goals ✨

Finish my novel + edit it
Write two blog posts a week
Earn enough money to purchase a Critcut Joy
When hungry, snack on fruit or veggies instead of junk food
Do yoga every morning
Wear my veil and dresses or skirts every day
Read 20 books
Get 50 followers on my blog
Keep up with my skincare routine and keep doing minimal makeup
Keep my garden alive

If you’re enjoying my blog and/or this post, please don’t forget to like it, comment, and follow me.

Do you bullet journal? If so, what’s your theme for this new month? What are your goals for April? Let me know in the comments.

Liesl ♡

Covid Safe Activities For Spring Break

So!! Yesterday was my last day of school before Spring break begins :0. I’m extremely grateful for that, because as everyone knows, Spring break means the end of the school year is coming soon!! Which, for all the eighth graders (including myself), that means middle school being almost over. I’m so ready to be done with middle school.

I know that for a lot of people, Spring break is when they go on vacation, and this year that won’t be happening. But!! You don’t have to go on vacation to have fun!! You can have it at home (whoa that sounded cheesy :P)!! Today I’ll be telling you all a few ideas for a fun and safe Spring break!!

These photos are mine, you are free to use them, but please give me credit if you do.


Learning to knit

Knitting is such a fun and relaxing activity. I know that it’s thought of as more of a ‘cozy weather’ activity, but it’s not. Knitting is perfect for literally any season. In fact, I think it’d be really fun for those April showers that are bound to occur. If you want to learn how to knit, there are dozens of videos on YouTube that may be of assistance. Also!! I don’t know how helpful this will be, but I have a guest post from my sister (about how to knit), that is scheduled for next week.

Spring cleaning
I actually did a post about this recently!! Spring cleaning is so so rewarding and while it’s not necessarily fun, it does pay off in the end. Spring break is the perfect time to do Spring cleaning, because you have loads of unstructured free time. Might as well spend some of it doing something productive, am I right?

Pen paling

This is such a fun thing to do. I have a few pen pals, and I love receiving letters from them, and sending responses back. In this ‘age of technology’, it’s so special to receive letters in paper form. Plus, during covid lockdown, this is the perfect way to reach out to people who you haven’t seen in a while. For some extra fun, you can send playlists, drawings, jewelry, tea bags, and other small trinkets to your letters.

Starting an Etsy shop
Etsy shops are perfect for teenagers. They are a lovely way to earn money, and are a great way to learn about money management. I myself am planning to set up an Etsy shop soon.

Starting a blog

Blogging is literally so amazing. It does take up a lot of your time, but it’s so worth it. I’m a fairly new blogger, but even I know that blogging is so rewarding. It’s really scary when you first start out, but my advice is to just get out there and publish your blog. Plus! Blogs are super trendy right now, so like,,, while that shouldn’t be your main motivation, it’s definitely a pretty good one haha.

Binge reading a book series
Reading is so good for your brain, and it’s incredibly fun!! It’s like watching TV, but it’s actually good for you. I highly recommend trying out The Lunar Chronicles or The Hunger Games. Both are action packed, edge of your seat reads. (Trigger warning for intense violence in both)

Memorizing a Bible verse

Guys, this is so important. So often we assume that as Christians, we don’t need to memorize bible verses, we just need to read them. But! We do need to memorize them. The Bible actually calls us to hide God’s word away in our hearts (aka memorizing). God can use verses that we’ve memorized in incredible ways. I’m working on memorizing the Apostles Creed at the moment (not a Bible verse, but it describes what I believe and I think it’ll be really helpful to have memorized).

Having a picnic
Picnics are so fun. And with warm weather, they’re spectacular. I think it’d be really fun to get all dressed up in fancy dresses and have a tea party outside. You can serve tea, tiny sandwiches, and other foods like that at your picnic.

Setting up a bullet journal

I love my bullet journal so much. I’ve been bullet journaling for almost a year, and it’s been so beneficial. It’s a great way to keep track of stuff, keep organized, and develop really helpful habits that will benefit you later in life.

Growing a small garden
I just set up my garden literally five minutes ago haha. Gardens are so helpful and good for your mental health. They’re super cottagecore and pretty and just ahhh.

Making friendship bracelets

I’ve been making these all day today and they are SO fun to make. All you need is some embroidery floss and tutorials online. You can buy embroidery floss in bulk here. I just received my purchase of that today and OH. MY. GOSH. it’s actually pretty good quality for the price.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this post. I hope that it gave you some fun ideas!!

If you enjoyed this post and/or my blog, please don’t forget to like it, comment, and follow me!!

Liesl ♡

Lifestyle Tips + Ideas For Christian Teenage Girls

Hello all!! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I did. I went to church (in person, safely of course. Complete with masks and social distancing outside and far too much hand sanitizer :P). I got a lot done (cleaned my room, caught up on my math homework, and watched way too much tv haha). Overall, my weekend was nice!! 

Anyways!! I got a little sidetracked with that haha, so let’s get on to the blog post for today. Today’s post is a ✨ lifestyle advice post ✨, which I’ve seen a lot on the internet lately.  

Since Covid began, self help posts have become increasingly popular, most likely because people are wanting to become better versions of themselves. I will admit that I am a absolute sucker for advice posts. I’ve seen a lot of these online, but not a lot for Christian teens, so I figured I’d try to do a post to fill that ’empty space’ on the internet. I’m literally so excited for this post. But, enough of my rambling, let’s get into the post!! 

These photos are my own, you are free to use them, but please give me credit if you use them. Thank you <3.

This post is not sponsored.

Lifestyle Tips + Ideas 

Try to get into bible journaling!! 

I highly recommend it, it’s so fun and rewarding. You can find really cute ideas on Pinterest or just the internet in general. Maybe you could do your daily devotionals, and then journal one of the verses into your bible, while meditating on it! This bible journal is my favorite, it’s so gorgeous. I also saw these bible tabs on Etsy and thought they looked cute. I don’t own them, but I really want them ahhh.

Add a sermon notes spread to your bullet journal

This will be so helpful for you!! It really helps with focusing on church. I’d also recommend getting a pretty notebook, and using that for sermon notes. This journal is really cute and would be good for that.

Put the names of different people from your church or school (or you can do prayer requests) in a mason jar. Every morning, pull out one of the slips of paper and pray for whatever’s on it.

I made one of these recently, and while I have not been super great about remembering to do it, I’ve definitely found it to be super helpful. I also really like to just put the slip of paper that I chose for the day in my pocket, and to pray for that person throughout the day. 

Buy a bible verse of the day calendar

My mom got me one of these for Christmas, and not gonna lie, it’s been so helpful and encouraging. I look forward to flipping the page every day. 

Subscribe to a Christian teen magazine like Brio

I LOVE BRIO SO. MUCH. Brio is such an incredible magazine, and if you’re not yet subscribed to it, you’re really missing out. It’s a lot like most teen girl magazines, except for the fact that it’s more appropriate and is a lot more focused on building your faith.

Print out bible verses that you like, and put them around your bedroom.

I swear, half of my bedroom decor is bible verse based. It’s actually really nice to look around, and see constant reminders that God loves me. I feel like I’m more,,, focused on Christ when my room is.  

Download The Bible App and subscribe to devotionals through it

Guys, this one is literally so helpful. I do about five or six devotionals per day through the The Bible App. It’s made daily bible reading a habit of mine, and it’s so fun. I used to hate devotionals, but now they’re actually enjoyable. Also! I don’t know if this is a plus or a downside, but The Bible App can act like social media (you can like posts, comment on them, and friend people). 

Make Sundays Christian media only days

I have not yet started doing this (although, that might be because it’s Lenten and Sundays are my only non-christian books and music days haha), but I think it would be very helpful and great. 

Watch one Christian film weekly

I really want to try doing this. I will say that while it’s hard to find good Christian movies, they do exist. I Still Believe was a really good one, so was Breakthrough, and Soul Surfer. A Week Away comes out on Netflix in a few days, and hopefully that one’ll be good. 

Try to read some Christian books

I’ve been doing this a lot lately and it’s been so incredibly helpful for my spiritual life. I recently finished Girl Defined, by Kristen Clark and Bethany Baird and it was a very good read, and also extremely eye opening. 

Listen to Christian music while cleaning your room

YES, this one is so important (I actually got this idea from Brio!), it builds your faith and keeps you moving? Like,, yes. That’s the best package ever ahhh. 

Write down bible verses, and leave them inside of books that you’re returning to the library

I really need to get around to doing this. You can encourage someone and potentially make someone look into Christianity!!  

Participate in Take Your Bible To School day and other events like that

Yep! I don’t have much to say about this (because it’s pretty self explanatory) other then Lenten is also a good event to participate in. 

Pray one decade of the rosary each night if you’re Catholic

Since the Rosary is really long and (at least for me) is hard to pay attention to, I recommend trying to pray a decade of the Rosary. I love the Rosary so much. One of my online friends from a teen writers site (I’m not in contact with him anymore, and I miss him) is a super strong Catholic and inspired me to try to pray the Rosary frequently.  

Get involved in your church or youth group

I would recommend trying to volunteer in the children’s ministry, it’s such a rewarding experience and I adore all the little kiddos. Youth group is also fun, and a great way to meet other Christian teens.

Subscribe to blogs that encourage you in your faith

I recommend Little Faith Blog, The Striped Plaid, Ainsley Beth, and other blogs like that. You probably already spend a lot of time online, why not spend some of it being encouraged in your faith?

I hope that you found these tips to be helpful!! I really enjoyed writing this post. I’ll be praying for all of those who read this post <3.

If you’re enjoying my blog and/or this post, please don’t forget to hit like and to subscribe!! 


Liesl ♡

My Top 5 Favorite Online Clothing Stores 

Hey guys!! Can you all believe it’s almost Spring already (tomorrow’s,,,, Spring :0)?? I’m so happy that it’s going to be Spring, and so proud of myself for how far I’ve come since Covid began. Today’s post is going to be fairly short, it’s just focused on my five favorite clothing stores!! I hope you all check them out, they’re incredible shops and I love all their clothing 💕.

Clothing Stores

  1. Francescas  

I love all their stuff!! While I only own a few things from them, I check their site regularly. They hold sales frequently, and all their clothing is so cute!!

What I’m Eyeing From Them Right Now: Thing #1Thing #2Thing #3

  1. Kohls 

So!! Their website design is not super aesthetic, but they have lots of modest adorable stuff and I adore shopping from them so so much!! 

What I’m Eyeing From Them Right Now: Thing #1Thing #2Thing #3

  1. Target 

Ahh good old Target, they have cute clothing for almost every aesthetic; Cottagecore, E-Girl, VSCO, you name it!! I always leave their shop with something new!!

What I’m Eyeing From Them Right Now: Thing #1Thing #2Thing #3

  1. H&M 

H&M has such adorable clothing with impeccable vibes not gonna lie. Their stuff is super cute, and they even have some eco friendly clothes.  

What I’m Eyeing From Them Right Now: Thing #1Thing #2Thing #3

  1. Unique Vintage 

Oh. My. Gosh. Unique Vintage has adorable clothing. I don’t own anything of theirs because it’s fairly expensive, but I love all their stuff so much, and hopefully soon, I’ll be able to buy myself one of their dresses. Also! They almost always have new cute collabs and they typically have super cute stuff in clearance or on sale!!

What I’m Eyeing From Them Right Now: Thing #1Thing #2Thing #3

Thank you so much for reading this! If you’re enjoying my blog, please like this post, and don’t forget to follow me!! 



13 Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Bedroom + Playlist ♡

I love cleaning my room so much. It makes me feel put together and happy and keeps my anxiety from taking over my life. It keeps my OCD at bay and just makes me so energized. Plus, when my room is clean, I feel a whole lot motivated to do other things (like exercising, writing, reading, bullet journaling, and doing my homework). So yeah!! Cleaning my room is good!! Plus it’s Spring now, so like,, it’s time for Spring cleaning!! Today I’m going to share my advice for keeping your bedroom spring cleaned!!! Also I’ve included a Spring cleaning playlist so that’s fun! ♡

My Spring Cleaning Playlist 

♡ Fight Song (by Rachel Platten)

♡ Roar (by Katy Perry) 

♡ Call Me Maybe (by Carly Rae Jepson)

♡ Prettiest Thing (by Oh Darling)

♡ What A Girl Is (by Dove Cameron)

♡ Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (by Cyndi Lauper)

♡ You’ll Be In My Heart (from Tarzan)

♡ Something’s Coming (from West Side Story)

♡ Hello My Name Is (by Matthew West)

16 (by Jenna Davis) — this is a summer song but whatever

Butterflies (by Jenna Davis)

♡ Questions (by Tori Kelly)

♡ Drivers License (by Olivia Rodrigo)

My Thirteen Tips

  1. Put on an epic playlist that gives you energy and happiness!!!
  2. Set out four cardboard boxes!! One for stuff you’re gonna donate, one for stuff you’re  gonna throw away, one for stuff you’re gonna keep in your room, and one for stuff that belongs somewhere else in your house. 
  3. Start out with your bookshelf!! Place everything on it in one of your four boxes. Then!! Dust it, wipe it down, spray it with room spray that smells good, and then place all the stuff from your ‘keep in my room’ box on the bookshelf. Organize it after that!! You can organize your books by size, color, author of title.
  4. Do the same thing with your dresser!! Only keep aesthetically pleasing items on top!! Organize each drawer, use each one for only one category of stuff. Also!! This might not work for everyone, but I like to keep a junk drawer for random stuff that I don’t know what to do with!!
  5. Organize the rest of your drawers around your room (nightstand, desk, second dresser, etc).
  6. Dust, wipe down, and spray all the furniture in your room!!
  7. Sort through all your clothing. Throw away anything that’s damaged beyond repair, donate anything that no longer fits you or that you don’t like, put away all your cold weather clothing, put all your dirty clothing in the laundry, and put away all your clean warm weather clothing. 
  8. Take inventory of all your leftover warm weather clothing, and make a list of everything that you need to buy.
  9. Put all your bedding in the laundry!! (Steal some blankets and pillowcases from your siblings for tonight or until the laundry is finished).
  10. Take all your donations to Goodwill or The Salvation Army!! 
  11. Vacuum your floor!! Even the yucky crevices!!
  12. Move around your furniture and decor so that your room feels different and new!!
  13. Open a window, spray room spray, and pat yourself on the back. You just officially deep cleaned your room. Congrats!! Now take a long nap, you’ve earned it ♡. 

I hope these tips help you!! Good luck with your Spring cleaning!! 


Liesl ♡