Planning My Month Of May + Freebie

Hii readers, May is almost here and I’m so happy. Today’s blog post will *hopefully* give you all a glimpse into how I plan each new month. I love to hype myself up about each new month, there’s always something new to look forward to. This is probably one of the things that keep me happy and vibey. This post is going to literally be a bunch of lists because I LOVE lists, if I had a dollar for each list I made, I’d be able to buy all the pretty dresses that I wanted. So! Lets get right into it! 

My steps to planning each month are typically really different based on how I’m feeling, so like these steps are probably not going to be used next month, but I’m using them this month and that’s exciting!! Here are the steps for next month.

  1. Make a playlist.
  2. Make a reading list.
  3. Make a list of my goals for that month.

Planning My Month Of May

  1. Make a playlist. Ooh this part was so fun. I put together a soft playlist and all the songs on it are so pretty and I love them. 

My Playlist (Wow it’s long. I need to get Spotify so I can just put it here haha.)

  • Mixed Signals, by Ruth B.
  • Dandelions, by Ruth B.
  • Rabbit Hole, by Lauren Cimorelli
  • Stop My Heart, by Kevin Quinn
  • Never Have I Ever, by Hillsong Young And Free
  • He Wears A Crown, by Caitie Hurst
  • Bby I…, by Piper Rockelle
  • I Can Only Imagine/What A Beautiful Name, by Cimorelli
  • Hold Her, by For King And Country
  • Butterflies, by Piper Rockelle
  • Cottagecore, by Anna Siefken
  • Drivers License (Acoustic), by Cimorelli
  • Yellow, by Paige
  • Details (Ivory Sessions), by Sarah Reeves
  • Easy, by Sarah Reeves
  • Angels, by Sarah Reeves
  • Just Want You, by Sarah Reeves
  • I Love You, by Sarah Reeves & Kirk Franklin
  • Eventually, by Ava Kolker
  • Can’t Blame A Girl For Trying, by Sabrina Carpenter
  • We’ll Be The Stars, by Sabrina Carpenter
  • White Flag, by Sabrina Carpenter
  • Waves, by Paige
  • My Universe, by Ruby Jay
  • No Wasted Days, by Evie Clair
  • Deja Vu, by Olivia Rodrigo
  • Monsters and Fairies, by Savannah
  • Paris, by Sabrina Carpenter
  • Sixteen Going On Seventeen, by Charmain Carr & Dan Truhitte
  • Stars Crossed, by Olivia Sanabia
  • Taken, by One Direction
  • When Will It Be Tomorrow, by Ava Kolker
  1. Make a reading list. This one is probably one of the most fun parts. I love planning out what to read haha. 

My Reading List 

  • A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, by Betty Smith
  • Farewell To Manzanar, by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston
  • The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time, by Mark Haddon
  • Literally, by Lucy Keating
  • Be Loved, by Emma Mae Jenkins
  1. Make a list of my goals for that month. I love doing this!! Setting goals is like,, ahh it’s amazing (although I almost never achieve the goals oopsie).

My Goals

  • Write 10,000 words of my novel
  • Wear my veil everytime I leave the house (I’m obsessed with my Catholic veil)
  • Get 100 blog followers
  • Read 15 books
  • Read the entire Bible
  • Pray one Rosary each day

I’m super excited about my Bible reading goal, it seems like something super faith building and intense and just I don’t know it seems like something that I’d enjoy. I made a plan and turned it into a freebie!! So!! If you’re interested, it’s at the end of this post <3.

If you enjoyed this post and/or my blog, please don’t forget to hit like, subscribe, and comment!

What are your plans for May? How do you plan each new month? Let me know in the comments!!




Fifty Followers Celebration + Freebie Library Opening + I’m doing a Q&A

Hii readers! You guys are getting a bonus post because I…REACHED FIFTY FOLLOWERS!! Which is super exciting!! I literally thought that I’d reach fifty followers in a year or two, I never imagined I’d reach it after only a few months of blogging. Thank you to all of you, I’m so joyful that you guys actually took the time to read my posts and like them and to follow me, you guys are incredible. 

I promised that I’d unveil my freebie library once I reached 50 followers, and I’m gonna stay true to that promise. So!! Go check my freebie page, and you’ll see a few printables that are intended to assist you in staying organized and living your best life possible!! A bit about the freebies, each is made in canva, and therefore I own none of them and have simply edited their templates, okay? 

Last but not least, I decided to do a Q&A (question and answer) session to celebrate my 50 followers, so!! Send me your questions in the comments and I’ll get around to answering them soon. 

If you enjoyed this post, and are enjoying my blog, please don’t forget to click like, comment, and follow me, maybe one day we’ll reach 100 followers! 


Liesl ♡

PS: Also, I might have some wifi issues over the next week, so if I disappear, thats why ❤

Women In The Bible: The Proverbs 31 Woman

Hii guys!! Welcome to the third installment in the ‘Women In The Bible’ blog series, today’s blog post is all about The Proverbs 31 Woman! In case you’re new here, my ‘Women In The Bible’ series is all about what we can learn from various women in the Bible. I post a new part of this series every Saturday! Last week, I did Mary, Mother of Jesus, and the week before that, I did Ruth

There is SO much to be learned from The Proverbs 31 Woman, and I am really excited to study her. She was not a real woman, rather she was a list of qualities that a mother is telling her son about finding a virtuous woman, which is why this post is going to be formatted a bit differently from my other ‘Women In The Bible’ posts. Instead of covering her story, we’ll be going over her list of qualities and what we can apply to our lives from that. 

Qualities Of The Proverbs 31 Woman

  1. She is a set apart woman (Proverbs 31:10). If you’ve read Leslie Ludy’s books, you’ll know what I’m referencing (I highly recommend checking them out). She is honorable and noble. She is a rare kind of woman, as the verse, “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.” (Proverbs 31:10) implies. 

How to apply this to your life: Think it through, so many young women in our culture today simply give in to society’s pressures. Even the ones who identify as Christians are still living life on their terms, rather then God’s terms. To truly be like the Proverbs 31 woman, you need to give up your life to God and allow Him to take over for you. Only then, will you finally achieve a noble character. 

If you haven’t already accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, and you want to, cry out to God. He WILL listen, I can promise you of that. Believing in Jesus is as simple as admitting that He died on the cross for your sins, and admitting that He is your Lord and savior. A prayer that you can pray right now is this: 

Dear Jesus, I am kneeling down before you, and am confessing that I am a sinner. I believe that you are my Lord and my savior, and that you died on the cross for my sins. I want to be a child of yours. I know that I have been astray up until now, but Lord, with all my heart I ask you to wash me of my sins and make me yours. Amen.

If you need any other help understanding Christianity, or if you have any questions as all, feel free to contact me in the comments (I know that’s not the most private form of communication, and I’m sorry), and PLEASE reach out to someone who can help you with your next steps. 

  1. Her husband trusts her and she respects him (Proverbs 31:11-12). I know that you guys aren’t married, but!! This is still an extremely important lesson.

How to apply this to your life: Pray for your future husband, pray that he will trust you and that he will respect you. 

  1. She is a hard worker (Proverbs 31:13-15). She is not lazy, and takes care of herself and her family. She wakes up early. She takes charge of situations. She is not a “wimpy girl”, rather she is the complete opposite. 

How to apply this to your life: Start to work harder. Don’t slack on the important stuff (or even the small stuff) and always do your best on any job. If you haven’t been doing well in this area, there is grace. You can try again tomoroww, there is always grace <3.

  1. She is a business woman (Proverbs 31:16). I mean, sure, you probably won’t be buying a field anytime soon, but you can still apply this to your life. You can learn to earn money, and then use it to purchase the stuff that you need.

How to apply this to your life: Start your own business!! Whether it’s an Etsy shop, a dog walking business, or selling clothing to local consignment stores, you can do it!! Learn to make a profit and use that money to purchase the things that you need (not the things you want).

  1. She takes care of herself, and is strong (Proverbs 31:17). She knows that to honor God, she needs to not only take care of her spiritual life, but also her body. She understands that she needs to keep herself healthy. 

How to apply this to your life: Add some healthy habits to your daily life. Work out in the mornings, snack on healthy versions of junk food instead of real junk food, and drink lots of water. There are many MANY more things that you can add to your life, but those are a few off the top of my head.

  1. She takes care of those who are less fortunate then she (Proverbs 31:20). This verse implies that she is also humble. 

How to apply this to your life: Donate to charities, purchase clothing items that give back to the community, give your old stuff to the Salvation Army, spend some of your free time volunteering, go on a mission trip with your church, do research about some other things you can do to to help others. 

  1. She is a wonderful homemaker (Proverbs 31:21-22). The art of homemaking is a lost art, but such a beautiful one.

How to apply this to your life: Learn some homemaking skills such as sewing, doing laundry, cleaning, knitting, taking care of your own living space, offering to help around your house, and other skills like this. 

  1. She is wise, kind, and honorable (Proverbs 31:25-26). The fruit of the spirit seems to fit her.

How to apply this to your life: Make a list of ways to be more wise, honorable (Proverbs 31:25-26), loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, and to have better self control (Galations 5:22). Leave this list out where you can see it, as a constant reminder. 

  1. She loves God with all her heart, and she fears Him and respects Him (Proverbs 31:31). Guys, if you only take one thing away from this post, take this: “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”. She seems to be a very strong Christian woman, and she seems to adore her King with all her heart. She knows that physical beauty is nothing compared to her relationship with her Lord. 

How to apply this to your life: First of all, MEMORIZE THAT VERSE (Proverbs 31:31). Every time you’re tempted to dress modestly or need a fashion heart check, think back to that verse. I’m working on using this verse in my day to day life for those purposes.

Thank you so SO much for reading this post. I really pray that this post helped you gain a better understanding of the Proverbs 31 woman. 

What do you think about the Proverbs 31 woman? What did you learn from her? Let me know in the comments <3.

If you enjoyed this post, and are enjoying my blog, please don’t forget to click like, comment, and follow me!


Liesl ♡

What I Wish People Knew About Being Autistic

Today’s post is going to be a little different from my typical posts. Thank you all for understanding <3.

I recently remembered that April is National Autism Awareness Month, so I chose to do this post. I really hope that this post helps you to understand more about Autism. I’m going over common Autism stereotypes that really bother me, and also what I want people to understand about my Autism. 

If you’re writing a novel that includes a character with Autism, please pay close attention to these stereotypes to avoid. Thank you <3.

Common Autism Stereotypes That I Utterly Despise 

♡  Autistic people are nerds and good at school (to be specific, math and science)

Yes, it’s true that some of us are smart (I don’t feel comfortable saying the term nerd, just because it’s a derogatory phrase in my opinion) and good at school and math and computers and all that stuff, but that’s not all of us, and it’s a really unrealistic stereotype that actually is kinda hurtful to the Autism community. I should add that I absolutely suck at math haha.

♡  Autistic people are all super socially awkward and can’t be attractive or fashionable

Autism makes us struggle with social stuff, but doesn’t make us super awkward. We can be fashionable, we can be beauty/makeup obsessed, we can interact normally. I would get so offended if someone assumed that I’m a geek just because of my Autism. I consider myself to be fairly on top of fashion trends and makeup stuff. I should point out that for quite a few girls with Autism, makeup/skincare/fashion can be a hyperfixation.

♡  All Autistic people are savants 

Most of us are not savants (someone who’s a child prodigy in something really hard — the one you see the most is someone who’s either a scientist or really good at medical stuff — watch The Good Doctor or The Big Bang Theory and you’ll see what I mean — be aware that I have not seen either, and have only seen clips from The Big Bang Theory, so I cannot opine on appropriateness level). We do have hyper-fixations (things that we obsess over and try to learn everything about, for example, my current hyper-fixations include various movies and movie stars, Aesthetics, celebrities ages, movie and tv show ratings, and blogging), but these don’t make us prodigies.

♡  There are no Autistic girls, there are only Autistic boys (speaking of that, I saw this online and it made me smile)

One of the hardest things for me has been the fact that most people diagnosed with Autism are boys, and lots of people think that Autism is a boy thing, when in all actuality Autism has nothing to do with gender. There are SO many Autistic girls in the world, sadly most of them go undiagnosed because the diagnosing criteria is based on Autism in boys.

Autistic people don’t have emotions

Autistic people tend to struggle to understand emotions, but this does not mean that we are emotionless, unfeeling blobs of nothing. We feel things. We can develop crushes on various people, we can have our hearts broken, we can feel extreme joy. If anything, I’d say that Autistic people tend to feel things a lot deeper then the average neurotypical person. Also. I don’t know if other Autistic people experience this, or it’s just me, but I only feel a few emotions, but those emotions that I do feel are very deep and strong so uh yeah.

Autism Is Something To Hide Or Be Ashamed Of

Guys, Autism is nothing to be ashamed of. It simply means that your brain works differently from other people’s brains. It doesn’t mean that you are weird or have some kind of disorder. Embrace it. Be proud of it. It means that you see the world differently from the rest of the world. That’s so special, don’t take it for advantage. That being said, I should add that I really struggled when I was diagnosed with Autism. I cried a lot and really struggled for a bit. So please don’t feel bad if it takes some time to adjust to living with Autism. You’re still the same person that you were before, you just understand yourself better, okay?

Other Things To Know About Autism

Conditions such as Anxiety, Depression, Eating Disorders, OCD, and ADHD can typically come with Autism. It’s a packaged deal, you buy the Autism and get Anxiety + OCD for free. It sucks, but it’s true.

Autistic people stim a lot. Stims can be auditory, visual, physical and vocal. Some example stims are flapping your hands, listening to the same song on repeat, walking in the same pattern over and over again, playing with a fidget toy, making the same sound repeatedly, rocking back and forth, and other stuff. Stimming is perfectly normal and is nothing to be ashamed of. 

Some stims can be harmful. This is something that I have struggled with, it can be really hard when it feels good to do a stim that actually is really harmful to you. 

Sensory overload is real. Autistic people tend to get overwhelmed very easily. When we get overwhelmed it makes us want to scream, cry, have a meltdown, flip out, and sometimes die. Also!! One of the hardest things about being an Autistic person is hiding Autistic stims that aren’t socially acceptable!! It’s not socially acceptable for me to curl up into a ball and start shrieking in the middle of the mall, even though I might want to. 

Autism 👏 Is 👏 Normal 👏 And 👏 Completely 👏 Valid 👏. Seriously guys, there are so many Autistic people in the world (diagnosed and undiagnosed). And all of them are so valid. I know I already said this, but I think it’s important enough to say again. Autism is normal and not weird!!! Please remember that <3.

Sometimes it really sucks having Autism. It makes me sad that there is little to no representation, it hurts me when people act weird when I tell them that I’m Autistic, 

I am not Autism. Autism is not me. Autism is simply something that I live with, and it is something that sometimes makes my life a little harder. But sometimes, it makes my life a little brighter. I believe that God made me this way, and it was not a mistake. I believe that He chose for me to be Autistic. I am working on learning to accept my Autism, although it is hard. 

Did you learn anything from this post? Did I surprise you with anything that you didn’t know? Let me know in the comments. 

If you enjoyed this post, and are enjoying my blog, please don’t forget to click like, comment, and follow me!! 


Liesl ♡

Mothers Day Gift Guide 2021

Hey guys!! Mothers Day is a little under three weeks away, and so I figured now would be the perfect time to do a gift guide. I love doing shopping guide posts, they’re SO fun to research. I’ve also included a list of things you can make for your mom, in case these are not in your price range.

Where the gifts are from: Amazon and Etsy (I love Etsy so much, it’s a great place to find cute stuff AND to support small business owners) 

Price Range: Under $50

*Not Sponsored


Pixi Glow Mud Mask // $22.00 // Sold on Amazon // Your mom literally works so hard and guys, this mud mask looks really aesthetically pleasing and soothing. 

Pale Teal Journal Bible // $29.99 // Sold on Amazon // I know that most mom’s already have Bibles, but do they have a pretty journal Bible that allows them to express their creativity? Probably not (although you never know). This Bible is gorgeous and pretty and honestly is something that I’d buy for myself haha.

Exodus 14:14 Christian Mug // $16.00 // Sold on Etsy // This mug is adorable and I think it’d be perfect for the Coffe addicted mom.

Mama T-Shirt // $9.90 + // Sold on Etsy // This shirt is so cute and just ahhh. I think any mom would be so happy to recieve this shirt as a gift.

Mother’s Day Gift Personalised Soy Candle // $23.32 + // Sold on Etsy // This candle looks so pretty and seems perfect for literally any mom.

Vinyl Sticker // $4.00 // Sold on Etsy // This sticker describes the vibes of most moms, including mine (except she hates coffee haha).

Personalized Family Wall Art // $21.99 + // Sold on Etsy // Most moms LOVE it when they get personalized gifts about their family. This portrait is so adorable and I love how it’s customizable.

Scripture Card Set For Moms // $11.00 + // Sold on Etsy // Your mom will love having these on hand to remember her favorite Bible verses. These cards are so pretty and I adore them.

Jane Austen Coloring Book // $13.37 // Sold on Amazon // Most moms love Jane Austen and love coloring. This coloring book is two in one.

Rifle Paper Co Face Masks // $9.99 + // Sold on Etsy // These masks are SO adorable, I might even buy one for myself.


  • A card
  • A drawing
  • Something handsewn like a scrunchie or a face mask or a headband
  • Something knitted like a scarf

If you enjoyed this post, please comment, like it, and follow me!!

Are you getting your mom a gift for Mothers Day? Let me know in the comments <3. 

