
hello friend!

hello, friend! i’m rue, a teenage writer and entrepreneur. i am a daughter of The King of Kings. i love Jesus with all my heart and am working on creating my life around Him. i was saved by Grace in middle school and in my opinion, it was one of the best (if not the best) decisions i have ever made. 

i love cozy vintage stuff and suspect i was born in the wrong generation. i am a type 4w3 on the enneagram and am an INFP personality type. some of my hobbies include writing, reading, bullet journaling, blogging, and yoga. i adore marveling at the night sky, fairytale retellings, fresh starts, matcha green tea lattes, skincare, long flowy dresses, vintage fashion, classic literature, embracing my femininity, and writing poetry.

i aim to write stories that glorify God, show others His love, and portray themes of home, family, and comfort. i am not afraid to write difficult topics that are considered taboo in the christian community. i believe that characters should not be perfect christians who do everything right and only sin once a week. rather, i believe in writing flawed characters who are desperately in need of a Savior. 

i have a passion for those with disabilities; i’ve grown up serving at a camp for families who have children with special needs. my younger brothers have down syndrome and one has autism. i myself have autism, an anxiety disorder, depression, OCD, and undiagnosed POTS. I also have a passion for adoption; all of my siblings are internationally adopted. 

i believe that we are all sinners and that we will not lose our sin until we are purified in heaven. i believe that we are called to hate what is evil but to love those who practice what is evil. i believe that what the bible teaches is right. i believe that God is real. and finally, i believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, a punishment we all deserved. 

for the glory of God // ad gloriam dei.