my april 2022 bullet journal spreads / feat. an attempt at being less of a perfectionist

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hello, friends! it’s been a while, hasn’t it? i’ve been super busy with school, writing, and my mental health, and haven’t had much motivation for blogging as a result. however, hopefully now that things are calming down a bit, i’ll be blogging more regularly.

when i first started bullet journaling in april 2020, it was fun and easy, and was honestly just a creative outlet. but recently, it’s become less of a hobby, and more of a perfectionistic attempt and being pinterest-y and aesthetic. and it was reaching a point where it was no fun and was honestly kinda a chore. which is why, yesterday, i challenged myself to set up my april bullet journal spreads with minimal online help, and with just my own original doodle ideas. 

i will admit that it was…difficult, to say the least. i kept feeling like it wasn’t “pretty enough” or “aesthetic enough” or “perfect enough”, and i really wanted to start over and make a perfect april bullet journal. but, i kept pushing through. and i’m so glad i did, because as a result of pushing through, i got some wonderful spreads that were unique and special. there’s a certain kind of peace that i found in being less of a perfectionist. 

the spreads

opening page

i love this spread so much. the aesthetics are very spring-y and happy and vintage, and it just makes me so happy to look at. i was worried i had drawn too many flowers, but i honestly think they work really well.

to be read 

this page was inspired by abigail’s cup of tea’s to be read page in this video. i really like how it turned out, and i like how it has He is risen on it, as a little reminder that Christ is risen (in honor of easter).


i don’t entirely like how this looks. the circles are too shaky, and my handwriting is…not it’s best. but, since i’m working on accepting and embracing my bullet journal imperfections, i guess i have to be happy with it. or at least, i have to not be hateful towards this page (especially since i spent…a lot of time on it).


this page is mostly just for planning out blog posts and youtube videos (i’m planning to release a yt channel at some point next month). i guess it turned out alright? it could be better, but it also could be worse.


this is just a page where i’m going to put prayer requests throughout the month, so that when i’m flipping through my bullet journal, i can remember to pray for certain things.

you are loved dutch door quote

fun fact about this, on the other side, there’s a gratitude page dutch door. sadly, i did the gratitude page upside down *facepalm*, so i’m only showing this dutch door haha.

quotes & memories

i guess i like how these turned out. i mean…the “quotes” looks more like “puotes”, but it’s ok. one of these days i’ll learn how to do a cursive q, right?

pens i used for these spreads

i actually kept the pens that i used pretty minimal! i only used a micron 01, micron 005, tombow 772 duel brush pen, and 2 crayola supertips.


thank you so much for reading this post! i hope you all enjoyed it <3. if you had fun reading this post, please don’t forget to click like, subscribe, and leave a comment. i hope you all have a wonderful day, and remember to keep your eyes on Jesus. *hugs* see you all soon (:

do you bullet journal? if so, what theme did you choose for your april bullet journal spreads? let me know in the comments!

/ ad gloriam dei /