It’s My One Year Blogiversary!! + Changes ♡

Hello, dears! Welcome back to Full of Grace, my cozy corner of the internet. A year ago today, a 13 year old with almost no knowledge of how websites work started this little blog. She was confused and unsure about everything, and had it in her mind that blogging was just a fun little quirk or hobby. She also had it in her mind that she would instantly gain followers. I was so innocent back then 😂.

I’ve been on this blogging journey for a year, and I still can’t believe that it’s been a year. I’ve changed a lot since starting this blog, and I’ve learned so much about life and myself through this blog. I’ve made friends through blogging. I started this blog as a way to get more attention for myself (I mean, I would never have said it, but we all know that that was my motive). Now? I still struggle with wanting to use it to bring glory to myself, but I’m also learning to use it to bring glory to God. To Him goes all the glory. Prayers that I could be able to give Him the glory of this blog would be appreciated <3.

As you may have observed, things have changed a bit around here. My about page has changed completely. I also have finally decided to start going by my real name on here. So, from now on, instead of being Liesl Robbins (my alias), I am now Rue. I’m also going to change my url to be non soon (once I figure out how to do that…) Oh! and I’m going to be ending my posts now with Ad Gloriam Dei, which means For The Glory Of God in Latin. Thank you all for putting up with all of these changes.

The content of my posts will also be changing. I’m going to be posting more faith focused posts, and the ones that are not super faith focused (book reviews, WIP updates, lifestyle advice, etc) will still have God at the center of them. This is all for His glory.

Thank you all so much for following me on this journey. Remember to keep your eyes on Jesus. ♡

/ ad gloriam dei /